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Site Overview
Site Overview
• ICM Fagen design-build commissioned in 2008. • Permitted to produce up to 130 million gallons of ethanol / • Approximately 196 acre plant site with optional 250 contiguous acres / • Established industrial infrastructure and efficient site layout designed for expansion
Grain Receiving and DDG Loadout
Grain Receiving and DDG Loadout
• Efficient site logistics<br>Grain Receiving: / • Two 500,000 bushel grain bins / • Inbound and outbound scales with RFID reader / • Two grain unloading bays with 18,000 BPH legs / • Truck turnaround on site in average 8 minutes<br>• Distillers Grain Loading: • 2 truck/container/rail loading bays at 15,000 BPH / • Wet pad truck loading as required
Process Building
Process Building
• Process maintenance / • Process control room / • Fermentation Row: Seven 800,000 gallon fermenters and a 1,000,000 gallon beer well / • Corn oil extraction
Energy Center
Energy Center
• Four ICM rotary drum dryers with 45 mm Btu/hr burners / • Six Flottweg centrifuges / • Two Victory Energy boilers and one Nebraska boiler all rated at 100,000 pounds/hour / • Two ICM Thermal Oxidizers at 135 mmBtu/hr
Distillation and Dehydration
Distillation and Dehydration
• Eight evaporators by A&B Process systems / • Beer column / • Rectifier / • Side stripper
Water Treatment Center
Water Treatment Center
Worked with U.S. Water Services to transition to a Zero Liquid Discharge water treatment system dramatically reducing the amount of water required to produce ethanol and eliminating waste water discharge to the environment.
Ethanol Storage
Ethanol Storage
• Two 1.5 million gallon finished ethanol product storage tanks / • 200 proof tank / • 190 proof / • Denaturant tank / • Distillers Grain storage: • DDG building dimensions 125 ft x 175 ft / • Two 4,000 ton storage silos / • Wet pad dimensions 105 ft x 85 ft
Ethanol Loading
Ethanol Loading
• Two rail loading stations can simultaneously load two cars per hour / • Automated truck self loading station / • Currently load and ship ’96 car unit trains
Rail Yard
Rail Yard
• Superior rail infrastructure: • Six ladder tracks with 8 miles of installed rail / • 15 total switches / • Capacity to handle 275 cars on the ladder tracks and 75 cars on “in plant” tracks / • Steel ties throughout / • Served by Iowa Interstate RR
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RO Description

Multi-stage RO System

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Scale House

Inbound/outbound scales with RFID supplier tracking system

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Sieve Bottles

Installed three additional sieve bottles to support meeting EU ethanol specifications without reducing plant run rates.

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Pump/Motor Redundancy

Installed additional pump and motor capacity to support maximum operating capacity (including at beer feed, beer bottoms, side stripper bottoms, rectifier bottoms, cook water, thin stillage feed and vacuum pump).

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Office Building

6,000 square foot office facility

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New Boiler

Installed new 100,000 pound/hour boiler in 2012 to support increased production volumes as well as to provide redundancy to maximize plant up time.

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Expanded Heat Exchange Capacity

Increased size of mash exchangers by 15%

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Engine House

Engine house 40 x 100 ft

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Container Loading

DDG's containers loaded directly on site reducing handling costs and improving margins.

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10 MW Substation on Site

Substation provides 10 MW feed supplied by Corn Belt Energy Cooperative.

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Ethanol Truck Loadout

On site truck ethanol loading station

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